Exploring the world with more life and colors
Amazing Moment wont last a second but now i can capture them and Frozen it to let me Remember when the time i forget.Now every single picture taken are more Meaningful.
Enjoyment of Photography World.
Learning to see the world through a Camera Lens is a hardest thing to learn. As we know the world are to far to explore. Camera can let me Crop the World to become more focus, Then by Address them with Object and Faces, now is lot easy to Remember and to Locate.
I'm Waiting for my Parent.
They will Come Back soon.
Free to Lift me?
I'm not Supposed to be here Today.
Defending Life.
One last Hopeless Moment.
But They still Playing.
I Own this Place now.
I cant Wait Till back Home.
A place called Rest.
It's your Day Today.
To Be Continue...